
If you're reading this you are probably already familiar with the OneLapCamaro. We've created this blog as a test of sorts to see how we can best share our experiences in testing and racing on the web. I hope that by the time we run in the One Lap of America in April of 2010 that we will have 'dialed in' this blog as well as the car. Please feel free to let us know your thoughts on the blog - its format, it layout, and its functionality - so that we can make the most of it next spring.

Countdown to the 2010 Tire Rack One Lap of America

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday Morning Update

This morning we're at Summit Point in West Virginia and Mary is getting ready to run our first road course of the week. It was wet this morning but it's dried up nicely so were hoping for a good lap. Mary will run this morning and James will run in the afternoon then we have a "short" transit to South Carolina which will be a welcome change from yesterday's cumulative 600+.

We played with shocks this morning and are hopefully heading in the right direction. We're around 50% on rebound and 75% soft all around now.

Fingers crossed... We're beat but still pushing hard. We're first in class for now and will get a good idea over the next day how safe that lead will be but as we demonstrated last year anything can happen.


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